Oregon Homeowners Insurance Information

The State of Oregon has an excellent Web site for finding all kinds of information about homeowners insurance specific those living in Oregon. You can find it at: http://insurance.oregon.gov.

One of the best resources of information for homeowners is a consumer information packet called The Consumer Guide To Homeowner and Tenant Insurance. You can download this PDF packet here. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat software to download this information.

The package includes information on fraud, consumer advocacy, and ways to lower your homeowners insurance premiums. It also contains information about new laws which affect homeowners in the state of Oregon, as well as what to do if your insurance company becomes insolvent or cannot pay claims.

There is an excellent section which covers basic questions people ask about their homeowner's insurance. The package also contains all numbers and addresses of resources you can contact should you have a complaint about your insurance company

Also included is general information on various insurance companies and how they figure their rate quotes. Each listed company has special information about earthquake coverage and whether or not that company will provide coverage under a regular homeowner's policy. Each company also notes if they use credit scoring as a way to figure insurance premiums.

At the end of the package is a list of insurance publications to help homeowners find information. All in all, this insurance information packet enters many questions homeowners may have.